About Fr. Cory Sticha

I'm a priest for the Diocese of Great Falls-Billings, MT stationed in Malta, MT.

Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C

How do we be saved? By entering through the narrow gate!

Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C

Persistance in the spiritual life through the fire of the Holy Spirit.

Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C

Placing our worries and anxieties at the feet of Jesus.

Sunday Podcast Companions – July 10, 2016

Longer Sunday schedule again, so more time for podcasts:

  • Fr. Jay, the iPadre, recently had Bishop Athanasius Schneider, an auxiliary bishop from Kazakhstan who is known best for his book Dominus Est, as a guest at his parish for a talk and Mass. This week’s episode is a recording of Bishop Schneider’s homily, as well as a quick discussion of Cardinal Sarah’s comments on ad orientem worship at Mass.
  • Sarah and Tommy of the Catholic Hipster Podcast talked with Mary Rezac of Catholic News Service, including an interesting discussion about her article on Catholics who struggle with psychological issues. They also talk about ad orientem (it’s a big topic of Catholic discussions!) and drinks appropriate for summer.
  • In a new-to-me podcast, Dan, Jake, and Chris of the Catholic in Training Podcast discuss Pope Francis’ recent comments about apologizing to homosexuals for mistreatment. They disagree (rightfully, IMO) with the approach this apology should come for stating and defending Catholic teaching on homosexuality, while agreeing that any abusive actions towards those with homosexual tendencies should be condemned.

Sunday Podcast Companions – July 3, 2016

A bit of political opinion in this week’s podcasts:

  • Josh Mercer of CatholicVote spoke with Mary Eberstadt about her book on the erosion of religious freedom in the United States. Yet another book to add to the reading list.
  • The Liturgy Guys – Denis, Chris, and Jesse – have an interesting discussion on participation in the liturgy, and who celebrates it.
  • Just a Catholic Dad Sean talks a bunch about his opinion on Brexit, and what he’s seeing as part of the “fallout” from the vote for the UK to leave the EU. He also mentions the preparation by the air traffic controllers at Farnborough airport for the upcoming air show, and a really interesting sounding kids’ “town”.

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C

Be a laborer in the harvest, for the Kingdom of God is at hand!

Sunday Podcast Companions – June 26, 2016

Spent my ordination anniversary doing the usual Sunday routine. A couple good podcasts to keep me company:

  • The Catholic Hipster, AKA Tommy, and Sarah, AKA the Catholic Drinkie, spoke to a good priest friend from “up north”, Fr. Darryl Millette. They discussed the CFL (and the regrettable Sports Fathers ongoing recess), artery clogging food from both the US and Canada, and more. Fun conversation
  • Fr. Dugandzic and Tim on Credo discussed the importance of modesty, especially how it plays into prudence and chastity. This is not an episode many will want to hear, as it will strongly and clearly challenge the immodest dress and actions we see at Mass, but is an episode many Catholics need to hear and take to serious consideration and prayer.
  • Also, on Tuesday, I caught the first 2 episodes of the Liturgy Guys podcast as I was driving to a funeral in one of the reservation parishes. Very good introduction to what liturgy is about. I have an admitted bias, however, as Mundelein was my theology seminary and I learned much about liturgy, art and architecture from staff members of the Liturgical Institute – including Denis and Chris of the podcast!