About Fr. Cory Sticha

I'm a priest for the Diocese of Great Falls-Billings, MT stationed in Malta, MT.

Homily for the Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

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A rant about the US political situation

This morning, I got on a bit of a rant on Google+ after seeing repeated partisan and pro-abortion posts by one individual. While this individual is not Catholic (so far as I know), it still struck a nerve over how divided we are as Catholics in the United States. Unlike some rants, I still stand behind it, and want to give it further distribution. So, here it is:

Today I uncircled someone who had bought into the liberal talking points completely. “Republicans are evil, greedy”, etc. “Her body, her choice”. (Yes, he actually used that tired, ridiculous slogan.)

I removed him from my circles because I got very tired of hearing his political BS, and it’s not because he’s politically liberal. I get just as annoyed when I hear someone on the Republican side trashing out the Democrats instead of explaining what the Republicans can do to solve the problems they claim are the Democrats fault.

Catholics, this is tiresome. I’m sick of the partisan sniping. I’m sick of the left-right, Republican-Democrat divide in the United States. Both sides are responsible for the mess this country is in, and both sides point to the other as responsible. “It’s Bush’s fault we’re in a recession.” “No, it’s Obama’s fault.” You know what? The problems may have started under President Bush, if not directly his fault, but they’ve gotten worse under President Obama’s watch.

Right now, here in Montana, one of our Senate seats is up for vote between the Democrat incumbent and the sole Representative (yes, Montana only has one Representative in the House), who happens to be Republican. The other night, as I was watching the Olympics, commercials for both candidates came on the TV. The commercials were identical. Each candidate accused the other of causing the financial crisis and “being out of touch with Montana values.” The colors and the fonts were identical, I think even some of the video clips of “typical Montanans” were identical. There was nothing in either commercial of any ideas beyond the United States and the State of Montana going down in flames if you vote for the other guy. It’s sickening.

Catholics, we need to get past this stuff. We need to get over our “I’ve always voted [Republican/Democrat].” We need to be united under the banner of Christ and His Church. No more of this “I disagree with the Church on X.” To put it bluntly: get over it. You can disagree, but make sure you’re not disagreeing because you want your way instead of Christ’s. If you don’t understand why the Church teaches as She does, seek understanding! Disobedience, dissent, and pride are not virtues. Obedience, respect for authority of the Church, and humility are powerful virtues that free us instead of tie us down.

As Catholics, we need to Catholic first, American second. I love our country and want to see it be prosperous and successful, but I desire salvation more. No more “I’m an American who happens to be Catholic.” Instead, it should be “I’m a Catholic who happens to be American.” When we ignore or fight against the teachings of the Church to promote the values of our culture, we’re saying the former. When we fight against our Culture of Death (and make no mistake, we are in one) to promote the Truth of Christ passed down through 2000 years of Church teachings, we are saying the latter.

OK. Rant over. Go and be good, faithful Catholics in union with the Pope and Bishops first!

Homily for the Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

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Announcing: Basics of Catholicism

One project I’ve wanted to do for some time is a series of single-page bulletin articles that explore and explain the core elements of the Catholic faith. Since the Gospel passages for the next month or so come from the Bread of Life Discourse in John 6, this week is as good of time as any to start with a multi-part discussion on the Eucharist.

I’m proud to announce the “Basics of Catholicism” series of bulletin inserts. These inserts are one-page articles that will discuss the basic teachings of the Catholic Church. It’s my hope to release one of these articles each week, and will be available in both Microsoft Publisher and PDF format. The articles, like all the material on my website, is free to copy and modify as needed. The only thing I ask is that I get attribution as the original source.

I will be posting these articles exactly as I’ll be publishing them in St. Mary’s parish bulletin, which means that they will contain some references to local events, such as my homily for the weekend. Most parishes will want to make some modifications to make them connect more closely to their parishioners. While the bulletin articles are not meant to be “camera-ready” outside of St. Mary’s here in Malta, I do hope there will be very little labor needed to prepare them for other parishes’ bulletins.

Please let me know if there are any topics for discussion that you would like to see. I hope these articles will be yet another tool for enriching your faith!

Homily for the Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

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Homily for the Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

(Sorry for the delay in getting this out!)

Listen to the homily