Homily for the Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Listen to the homily

  • Why don’t people follow Christ?
    • Many reasons
    • Big reason – they see Christian life as restricting freedom
      • Conversely, St. Paul says Christ came to free us
  • Definition of freedom
    • Secular definition
      • “Ability to do what I want, when I want to, and how I want to.”
    • Christian definition
      • “Able to do what we ought to do”
        • Ability to do that which is right
      • First definition is not freedom, but license
        • Abuse of freedom
  • Difference in definitions
    • First sees laws as restrictions on freedom
    • Second sees legitimate laws as enhancing freedom
      • Analogy is out-of-bounds rules in football or soccer
        • Limit area of play != restriction of freedom in play
    • St. Paul encourages us to follow the second definition
      • Not first
  • Hear first understanding of freedom when someone “doesn’t need dogmas”
    • Sees doctrines, dogmas, etc. as rules which restrict
    • Christian view of freedom
      • Dogmas, doctrines, etc. set out-of-bounds for following Christ
        • So long as we’re in the field, we’re in good standing
        • Rather than restrict, limits free us
          • Don’t have to worry about being in right relationship
      • It’s not hard to know if we’re in right relationship w/ Christ
        • Seek to know and understand the rules and live them in love for Christ and our neighbor
          • Not selfishly
  • True freedom brings a joy we will never find if we live merely for ourselves