Homily for the Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Listen to the Homily

  • Moses is Lawgiver
    • Through whom the Mosaic Law was revealed
      • Commandments of God for the Israelite/Jewish people
    • Moses said the Law “is something very near to you, already in your mouths and in your hearts; you have only to carry it out.”
  • We learn what is right or wrong from the Law of God written on our hearts
    • Law is the desire for unity with God and follow His commands
      • Natural Law
    • Children have a sense of right or wrong
      • Don’t always follow it
    • Even those who don’t believe in God know this law
  • Good Samaritan is the example of living according to God’s Law
    • Knew that the right thing was to help
    • Priest, Levite possibly wanted to maintain ritual purity
      • Contact with blood required ritual cleansing before performing religious rites
      • May have had other good reasons similar to our own
        • In a hurry
        • Didn’t know what to do
    • Good Samaritan may or may not known Mosaic Law
      • Followed the law in his heart to love one another
  • Christ teaches us His law through His body, the Church
    • Sin has corrupted our ability to listen and understand this law
    • Office of the Magisterium
      • Pope
      • Bishops in union with him
      • NOT individual priests, theologians
    • Gives us the tools to understand and follow God’s Law
      • CCC
      • Documents and letters of Pope, bishops
      • Preaching and exhortation of Pope, bishops, priests in union